“The Killdeer Connection” Book Cover Failures: Part 1

Coming up with a cover for The Killdeer Connection was no easy task. I thought it might be interesting for readers and writers to see the process at work before I officially reveal my cover for the upcoming novel. What I'll do in this series of articles is analyze...

My Day of Avoiding Arrest at Albany Bomb Train Protest

I freely admit that my number one goal at the bomb train protest march in Albany, New York yesterday was to avoid arrest.  I'm a lawyer and a judge here in New York State and an arrest would complicate my life, to put it politely. Hundreds of people people did put...

Trump, Sanders Rally in Albany

When you're a political science junkie and there are two presidential rallies (Trump, Sanders) within hours of one another in your city, you go to both. Forget the seats--head for the mosh pits.   Tom Swyers is an attorney, judge, and the award-winning author of...

The Constitution Pipeline: a Nightmare Bus Ride?

If the Constitution Pipeline becomes anything like the Iroquois Pipeline, we're in for a wild ride. But when it comes to our energy policy, I'm used to wild rides. I vividly recall getting up early in the morning during the winter to go to high school at the height of...

Travelling to the Baseball Hall of Fame in a Toyota Prius

 I’m travelling today with my family in a Toyota Prius V Wagon (yawn) to the Baseball Hall of Fame (yes!). The Toyota Prius V Wagon was selected by other family members from the family fleet as the vehicle of choice for this trip. If anything, the Prius V Wagon has a...

“Saving Babe Ruth” Set to Explode During July

Today, June 27, 2015, is the one year anniversary of publishing Saving Babe Ruth.  I felt a sense of accomplishment seeing the book in print and widely available at this time last year. My euphoria didn’t last long. It’s been a year full of ups and downs. If I thought...

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